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Protecting your child from becoming overweight is the way your family eats and exercises, and the way you spend time together. Helping children lead a healthy lifestyle starts with the role model parents. What health problems can cause obesity? Obesity puts children at greater risk of a number of medical problems that could affect their health, now and in the future. These include severe conditions including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all of which were previously considered diseases for the elderly.Children who are overweight and obese are also at risk of: It is also an accusation that makes it harder to exercise, play sports or exercise. It can also worsen the appearance of asthma or cause children to suffer from asthma, insomnia, or night breathing problems. Will grow faster Overweight children may be taller and more sexually mature than their peers, resulting in the hope that they should behave the way they look, not as old as they are. Girls who are overweight may have irregular menstrual cycles and problems with fertility in adulthood, liver and gallbladder disease, the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. (Including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes) that occur in childhood can lead to heart disease, congestive heart failure and stroke in adulthood. Protecting or treating overweight conditions, including obesity in children, may help protect them from these problems as they get older.
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