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This company is listed on the Paris stock exchange. "Labour Compensation": Where can I find a decent sandwich around here? "": And I took the road less traveled by, just to be a fucking hipster. "": Once you read about these nerds devoting their entire lives to trying to figure out whether or not chairs exist or some shit, my life doesn't seem so bad. "website": How did you come by such a big sum of money? "primed website": The girl wore her hair in two braids, tied with two blue bows. "website": What do you do for Halloween? What did you dress up last time and what do you want to be this year? "prime": Do you mind waiting an extra hour so I can read more of my book? "prime": Never do that again or I won't be your friend! "": Looking back, I know it was the right decision. "prime": I agree it’s not bad to steal from a convenience store. "website": I brought you into this world so I can take you out! "primed": Thank you for finishing the last slice of pizza! "internet": Why are you making such a big deal about it? "online": You are so disgraceful I can't even believe it! "primed website": What do you do for Halloween? What did you dress up last time and what do you want to be this year? "prime": Al went to the animal shelter and got four cats! "internet": You are so disgraceful I can't even believe it! "online": She yelled at the kids for no legitimate reason. "website": What would you change about yourself if you could change one thing? "internet": You are so disgraceful I can't even believe it! "":

sdfsdf, Apr 06 2021 on