ExitDNA | Business Exit Strategy | Sell Your Business Fast - Mac Lackey: Get answers to how much I can sell my business for through our ExitDNA program. Talk to a strategist to create comprehensive exit plans that let you retire early. Mac and his team work hard to provide FREE content, low cost tools and numerous events for founders, entrepreneurs and innovators but if you are committed to reaching the next level, trying to change the world or just 10x’ing your life Mac wants to help.
ExitDNA | Business Exit Strategy | Sell Your Business Fast - Mac Lackey: Get answers to how much I can sell my business for through our ExitDNA program. Talk to a strategist to create comprehensive exit plans that let you retire early. Mac and his team work hard to provide FREE content, low cost tools and numerous events for founders, entrepreneurs and innovators but if you are committed to reaching the next level, trying to change the world or just 10x’ing your life Mac wants to help.
Exit strategist, Apr 13 2020 on known.davekokandy.com